ApocServ v2.5 Cs 1.6 Free Download

ApocServ v2.5 CS 1.6 Server Hack - How to install

- Copy the apocserv.dll into cstrike\dlls folder of your HLDS
- Change "dlls\mp.dll" to "dlls\apocserv.dll" in the line "gamedll" in file "liblist.gam"
- (Re)start your HLDS

- Copy the apocserv.so into cstrike/dlls folder of your HLDS
- Change "dlls/cs_i386.so" to "dlls/apocserv.so" in the line "gamedll_linux" in file "liblist.gam"
- (Re)start your HLDS

- Don't remove the original libraries

- Type 'rcon sc_password "yourpassword"' to set cheat access password
- As client type 'sc_auth "yourpassword"' to authenticate as cheat user
- Type 'sc_help' to get a list of available commands

I don't support league play:
This Server Side Hack is intented to have fun playing. It's not made for playing in
leagues. You couldn't event do that, because of ACs are making screenshots, and when you are in console and typing in a command and getting feedback from the mod you would obviously get banned (high risk). You can play with it on your public server or when playing fws, cws, irc matches... Well, just everything which is not protected by a screenshot taking anti-cheat program. For VAC2 its logically "undetected", a game server can't get banned from steam service. If it would be that case (technically possible) then MetaMod would also get banned. Keep thatin mind. 

Download it Here : ApocServ 2.5

Password : www.omargaming.com


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